home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- MemoryBuffer
- dwLength
- dwMemoryLoad
- dwTotalPhys
- dwAvailPhys
- dwTotalPageFile
- dwAvailPageFile
- dwTotalVirtual
- dwAvailVirtual
- _sdSIZE
- SelectObject
- GetTextExtentPoint
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDC
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- MoveWindow
- ReleaseDC
- SetFocus
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetClientRect
- SetWindowPos
- PostMessage
- ShowCursor
- SystemParametersInfo
- waveOutGetNumDevs
- GlobalMemoryStatus
- wincpuid
- wincpufeatures
- cpuspeed
- FASA Interactivea
- MechCommander Demoa
- MechCommanderDemo
- dlg.bmp
- MechCommander InstallationA
- MechCommander Demo License Agreement$
- Please read the following license agreement. Use a1
- the scroll bar to view
- the rest of this agreement
- Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license a1
- agreement? If so,
- click on the Yes push button. $
- If you select No, Setup will close.
- license.txt
- Full InstallJ
- Full Install (110 Mb)A
- MechCommander Install Options
- Choose the type of Install you would like to do.
- Once you have selected the Install Type, Press the Next Button to continue.
- \Program Files\%
- FasaInteractive\MechCmdrDemo
- FasaInteractive\MechCmdrDemo
- MechCommander(tm) Demo$
- Setup will install a
- MechCommander(tm) Demo$
- in the following
- folder.
- To install to this folder, click Next.
- To install to a different folder, click Browse and select another
- folder.
- You can choose not to install $
- MechCommander(tm) Demo$
- clicking Cancel to exit Setup
- It is STRONGLY recommended that you defrag the drive
- in which the demo is installed!
- MechCommander Demo Install Locationb
- There isn't enough disk space on the destination chosen
- to Install the MechCommander Demo. This may not be correct
- if the game is already installed there. Do you want to go ahead
- and install to that drive and directory anyway?
- Do you want to view the README file now?A
- README.doc3
- \mechcmdr.exe
- MechCommander UnInstallA
- MechCommander Demo
- Installing MechCommander Demo....
- data\art\
- \data\art
- data\movies\
- \data\movies
- data\objects\
- \data\objects
- data\sound\
- \data\sound
- data\sprites\
- \data\sprites
- data\tiles\
- \data\tiles
- data\savegame\temp\
- \data\savegame\temp
- data\savegame\
- \data\savegame
- Unable to create data directory b9
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory b:
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bC
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bD
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bE
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bF
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bI
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory b`
- on Destination*
- mcSet
- Copying MechCommander Main Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander GUI Art Files...
- art.paka
- art.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Logistics Files...
- *.pkka
- *.pkkB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Movie Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Object Files...
- object2.paka
- object2.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Sound Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Sprite Files...
- leftarms.paka
- leftarms.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- rightarms.paka
- rightarms.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- torsos.paka
- torsos.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- legs.paka
- legs.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- leftarms90.paka
- leftarms90.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- rightarms90.paka
- rightarms90.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- torsos90.paka
- torsos90.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- legs90.paka
- legs90.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- shapes.paka
- shapes.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- sprites.paka
- sprites.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- feet.paka
- feet.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- crater.paka
- crater.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- shadow.paka
- shadow.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- blip.paka
- blip.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- cursors.paka
- cursors.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Tile Files...
- tiles.paka
- tiles.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- system.cfg
- FITini
- [UseSound]
- [UseMusic]
- [ABL]
- ul SymbolTableHeapSize = 767999
- ul StackHeapSize = 511999
- ul CodeHeapSize = 307199
- ul RunTimeStackSize = 20479
- ul MaxCodeBlockSize = 20479
- ul MaxRegisteredModules = 200
- ul MaxStaticVariables = 100
- l MaxWatchesPerModule = 20
- l MaxBreakPointsPermOdule = 20
- ul DebuggerEnabled = 0
- ul IncludeDebugInfo = 0
- [systemHeap]
- ul systemHeapSize=1708851
- ul guiHeapSize=2047999
- ul soundHeapSize=767999
- ul logisticsHeapSize=10485759
- [systemPaths]
- st terrainPath = "data\terrain\"
- st palettePath = "data\palette\"
- st paletteName = "palette"
- st artPath = "data\art\"
- st fontPath = "data\fonts\"
- st savePath = "data\savegame\"
- st spritePath = "data\sprites\"
- st shapesPath = "data\sprites\"
- st soundPath = "data\sound\"
- st objectPath = "data\objects\"
- st cameraPath = "data\cameras\"
- st tilePath = "data\tiles\"
- st missionPath = "data\missions\"
- st missionName = "MechCmdr1"
- st warriorPath = "data\missions\warriors\"
- st profilePath = "data\missions\profiles\"
- st interfacepath = "data\iface\"
- st moviepath = "data\movies\"
- st CDterrainPath = "bM
- data\terrain\"
- st CDpalettePath = "bM
- data\palette\"
- st CDartPath = "bM
- data\art\"
- st CDfontPath = "bM
- data\fonts\"
- st CDspritePath = "bM
- data\sprites\"
- st CDsoundPath = "bM
- data\sound\"
- st CDobjectPath = "bM
- data\objects\"
- st CDcameraPath = "bM
- data\cameras\"
- st CDtilePath = "bM
- data\tiles\"
- st CDmissionPath = "bM
- data\missions\"
- st CDwarriorPath = "bM
- data\missions\warriors\"
- st CDprofilePath = "bM
- data\missions\profiles\"
- st CDinterfacepath = "bM
- data\iface\"
- st CDmoviepath = "bM
- data\movies\"
- [FastFiles]
- l NumFastFiles = 5
- st File0="art.fst"
- st File1="mission.fst"
- st File2="misc.fst"
- st FIle3="terrain.fst"
- st FIle4="shapes.fst"
- FITend
- prefs.cfg
- FITini
- [MechCommander]
- b PaletteCycle = T
- b DirectDraw = T
- MemoryBuffer
- dwTotalPhys
- b Use90Pixel = f
- b Force45Pixel = t
- b Force16Mb = t,
- MemoryBuffer
- dwTotalPhys
- b Use90Pixel = t
- b Force45Pixel = f
- b Force32Mb = t,
- b Use90Pixel = t
- b Force45Pixel = f
- FITend
- MechCommander UnInstallA
- MechCommander Demo
- Installing MechCommander....
- data\art\
- \data\art
- data\movies\
- \data\movies
- data\objects\
- \data\objects
- data\sound\
- \data\sound
- data\sprites\
- \data\sprites
- data\tiles\
- \data\tiles
- data\savegame\temp\
- \data\savegame\temp
- data\savegame\\
- \data\savegame\
- Unable to create data directory b9
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory b:
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bC
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bD
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bE
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bF
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory bI
- on Destination*
- Unable to create data directory b`
- on Destination*
- mcSet
- Copying MechCommander Main Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander GUI Art Files...
- art.paka
- art.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Logistics Files...
- *.pkka
- *.pkkB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Object Files...
- object2.paka
- object2.pakB2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Sound Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- Copying MechCommander Tile Files...
- *.*B2
- There isn't enough space in the Directory
- selected to install MechCommander
- system.cfg
- FITini
- [UseSound]
- [UseMusic]
- [ABL]
- ul SymbolTableHeapSize = 767999
- ul StackHeapSize = 511999
- ul CodeHeapSize = 307199
- ul RunTimeStackSize = 20479
- ul MaxCodeBlockSize = 20479
- ul MaxRegisteredModules = 200
- ul MaxStaticVariables = 100
- l MaxWatchesPerModule = 20
- l MaxBreakPointsPermOdule = 20
- ul DebuggerEnabled = 0
- ul IncludeDebugInfo = 0
- [systemHeap]
- ul systemHeapSize=1708851
- ul guiHeapSize=2047999
- ul soundHeapSize=767999
- ul logisticsHeapSize=10485759
- [systemPaths]
- st terrainPath = "data\terrain\"
- st palettePath = "data\palette\"
- st paletteName = "palette"
- st artPath = "data\art\"
- st fontPath = "data\fonts\"
- st savePath = "data\savegame\"$
- st spritePath = "bM
- data\sprites\"
- st shapesPath = "data\sprites\"
- st soundPath = "data\sound\"
- st objectPath = "data\objects\"
- st cameraPath = "data\cameras\"
- st tilePath = "data\tiles\"
- st missionPath = "data\missions\"
- st missionName = "MechCmdr1"
- st warriorPath = "data\missions\warriors\"
- st profilePath = "data\missions\profiles\"
- st interfacepath = "data\iface\"$
- st moviepath = "bM
- data\movies\"
- st CDterrainPath = "bM
- data\terrain\"
- st CDpalettePath = "bM
- data\palette\"
- st CDartPath = "bM
- data\art\"
- st CDfontPath = "bM
- data\fonts\"
- st CDspritePath = "bM
- data\sprites\"
- st CDsoundPath = "bM
- data\sound\"
- st CDobjectPath = "bM
- data\objects\"
- st CDcameraPath = "bM
- data\cameras\"
- st CDtilePath = "bM
- data\tiles\"
- st CDmissionPath = "bM
- data\missions\"
- st CDwarriorPath = "bM
- data\missions\warriors\"
- st CDprofilePath = "bM
- data\missions\profiles\"
- st CDinterfacepath = "bM
- data\iface\"
- st CDmoviepath = "bM
- data\movies\"
- [FastFiles]
- l NumFastFiles = 5
- st File0="art.fst"
- st File1="mission.fst"
- st File2="misc.fst"
- st FIle3="terrain.fst"
- st FIle4="shapes.fst"
- FITend
- prefs.cfg
- FITini
- [MechCommander]
- b PaletteCycle = T
- b DirectDraw = T
- MemoryBuffer
- dwTotalPhys
- b Use90Pixel = f
- b Force45Pixel = t,
- b Use90Pixel = t
- b Force45Pixel = f
- b Force32Mb = t
- FITend
- Creating Program Folder and Icons....(
- This needs Win95 or WinNT 4.0 or BetterA
- FASA Interactive\MechCommander<
- MechCmdr.exe
- MechCommander DemoZ
- Unable to Add Icon to MenuA
- Installation Complete$
- MechCommander needs Direct X 5 to run correctly.
- Do you want to go ahead and Install Direct X 5?
- directx\dx5eng.exe
- MechCommander Demo Setup Must restart your machine
- for MechCommander Demo to work properly
- Choose one of the following options and click OK to finish setup
- Restart Machineb
- Setup is complete. You may run the installed program a'
- by double-clicking on the program icon.
- Installing a
- MechCommander(tm) Demo
- SetupA
- setup.bmpA
- \winmm.dll
- This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
- Operating System is Windows NT 5.0 or better.A
- This Game needs NT 5.0 at least--PASSEDA
- Operating System is Windows NT 4.0 or less.A
- This Game needs NT 5.0 at least--FAILEDA
- MechCommander Requires Win95, Win98 or WinNT 5.0 at least. Unable to InstallA
- Operating System is WIN32s.A
- This Game needs NT 5.0 or Win95, Win98 at least--FAILEDA
- MechCommander Requires Win95, Win98 or WinNT 5.0 at least. Unable to InstallA
- Operating System is Windows 95 or better.A
- This Game needs Win95 or Win98 at least--PASSEDA
- Operating System is Windows 3.11 or less.A
- This Game needs NT 5.0 or Win95, Win98 at least--FAILEDA
- MechCommander Requires Win95, Win98 or WinNT 5.0 at least. Unable to InstallA
- \kernel32.dll
- MemoryBuffer
- dwLength
- MemoryBuffer
- dwTotalPhys
- Physical System Memory is %ldK bytes of RAM.B8
- MemoryBuffer
- dwTotalPhys
- MechCommander Requires at Least 16 MB of RAM!A
- This Game needs 15000K of RAM at least--FAILEDA
- This Game needs 15000K of RAM at least--PASSEDA
- 31000K of RAM is RecommendedA
- cpuinfo.dll
- System Processor is 386A
- System Processor is 486A
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--FAILEDA
- System Processor is %ldMhz Pentium with MMX.B
- System Processor is %ldMhz PentiumB
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--PASSEDA
- A 166Mhz Pentium with MMX is RecommendedA
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--FAILEDA
- System Processor is %ldMhz Pentium PRO with MMXB
- System Processor is %ldMhz Pentium PROB
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--PASSEDA
- A 166Mhz Pentium with MMX is RecommendedA
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--FAILEDA
- System Processor is Pentium IIA
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--PASSEDA
- A 166Mhz Pentium with MMX is RecommendedA
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--FAILEDA
- System Processor is UNKNOWN!A
- This Game needs a 133Mhz Pentium or Better--UNKNOWNA
- A 166Mhz Pentium with MMX is RecommendedA
- System has Digital Sound Card InstalledA
- This Game needs a Digital Sound Card--PASSEDA
- System does not have Digital Sound Card InstalledA
- This Game needs a Digital Sound Card--FAILEDA
- MechCommander Requires a a Digital Output Device (Sound Card)A
- System Informationa2
- The text below Describes your system configurationB
- edit(
- Disk Space0
- temp.txt
- temp.txt
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
- Errorbe
- _sdSIZEa
- %s-%ldb
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
- RegisteredOwner2
- RegisteredOrganization2
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder!
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdSetupType!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg!
- SdShowMsg/
- _sdRECTa
- _sdRECTa
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods!
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentMult!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdStartCopy!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdFinishReboot!
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- SdFinish!
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- _EWQ{
- _MRQ.
- 3.00.077